
Spring/Summer skin tips: Does a mud mask work?

The warmer weather is on its way (hopefully!) and this means sunny afternoons at the beach and fun in the sun but it can also play havoc with your skin! Luckily there are a few simple measures you can take to stop your skin becoming too damaged as the temperatures soar!

Side effects of hot weather on the skin can include over-production of oil resulting in breakouts. It can also have an exacerbating effect if you already suffer from skin conditions such as rosacea. This means that a regular skincare routine using cleansing, moisturising and toning products is essential if you want to protect the skin and restore it to its firm and balanced best. Do not wait until your skin is irritated and breaking out. The sooner you start taking care of your skin the healthier it will be.

Using a mud mask

A mud face mask can exfoliate the skin and help unclog your pores, as well as absorbing oils and impurities. Similarly, a charcoal face mask can also help remove toxins and dead skin cells. These may be combined with other ingredients such as tea tree or aloe vera, both of which are proven to have positive effects on the skin.

Whatever products you use, it is important to remember that everyone’s skin is slightly different. What you need if your skin tends towards dryness may be different to what you need if you have oily skin. If you know your skin is sensitive, be extra careful whenever trying a mud face mask, as it could cause some irritation.

Other advice

The other important thing is to ensure you are using SPF to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays. Make sure you get some shade and always stay hydrated with a bottle of water.

These are just a few tips for how you can look after your skin during Spring and Summer. There are other factors to consider, and everyone’s skin is slightly different. What is important is that you find the best products to keep your skin healthy, even in the hottest weather!

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